Thursday, October 09, 2003

Where Are All the Fish People?

One thing I do not miss about working--the people who talk about their pets. Yes, of course it is always the cat people who start it. But then the dog owners, never to be outdone, start talking about something their dog did. But the problem with that is no matter how cute or charming the dog story, at some point your audience always thinks, man those people with dogs have to pick up their crap. The fish owners will maybe try to say something, especially if they have what is considered a "fun" aquatic animal, like an aquatic frog or a turtle, who, compared to the others can get up to some crazy antics, relatively speaking. But really, they don't really have much to contribute to the daily pet story time and most people just humor them (especially the very patronizing cat people). And everyone pretends to be so super interested, but they are just being polite. Frankly, no one really cares about your Himalayan short hair and the special way it has of coughing up a hairball.

Sorry people, I am just telling it like it is.

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