Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I do not know why...

but that goddammed John Mayer Wonderland song overwhelms me with sadness.
I cannot listen to it, and I definitely can't watch the video, which makes me feel even worse.

I do not know why.

And so what are you going to do about it, motherfucker!?

That post--this one really is a perfect example of what is wrong with 'bloggin'. Because who really cares what some chick on the internet thinks about a g-dam song. And here I am, all busy writing about it, like it's super important that I get it down on paper so the people can read about it. Is it even possible to get one's head any further up one's ass than that?

But the truth is, that in a way it's a bit like this-- when I was a teenager I had a real super babe best friend. She was blonde, tall, very pretty, a model and plus she was a slutty dresser. That, my friends is an unbeatable combination. So there I was, truly a pretty girl in her own right, but totally overshadowed by superbabe in a bustier and a mini skirt. Next to her I could have walked down the street lifting my sweater ovwer my head, baring breasts and no one would have even noticed me.

And that is how it is on the internet. Your little weblog--no one even notices.

Look I have my shirt over my head as I write.

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