Monday, January 10, 2005

Dear Pepperidge Farms,

Now that Tucker Carlson is no longer with Crossfire, I think he'd be great in one of your commercials.

He already has the bowtie.

And he could give the old commercials a bit of that Carlson fire. Like say one guy picks the Milano and Tucker would get all "ARE YOU TOTALLY STUPID!? THE SAUSALITO IS BY FAR THE BEST, AND IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH A STUPID, STUPID LIBERAL YOU WOULD KNOW BETTER. SHAME ON YOU, STUPID LIBERAL!. AND THOSE PANTS MAKE YOUR ASS LOOK FAT".

I could really see that.


SJ said...

Well, thanks for the laugh! My god, woman, I'm still laughing.

M said...

Hahaha! Hilarious! :-) I'll be linking.

Suburby said...

Hey, thank you both so much for the kind words, and the link. I'm flattered by that, thank you.