Sunday, February 06, 2005

Bad Decisions I Have Made and the Reasoning Behind Them

1. In High School I refused to take typing because I "didn't want to be a secretary". What I failed to see in all my 15 year old wisdom was that it's not just secretaries who type.

2. I took a specialized archaeolgy course in Human Osteology because I thought it "sounded neat". By the time I discovered it was more "really hard" than neat, it was too late to withdraw.

3. Bought Beanie Babies as "an investment".

4. Made friends with the weirdo girl no one wanted to be friends with because I felt sorry for her. Turns out there were reasons no one wanted to befriend her.


Justinian said...

This reminds me of the time that I was out partying and someone said, "Hey there's artichoke dip" and I was like "YUM...wait, am I alergic to artichoke or avacados...oh well, I'll risk it." Turns out it WAS artichokes, and I ended up in the hosiptal beause I swelled like an overfilled waterballoon.

Cheryl said...

Cheer up about the typing - back in those days it really WAS only secretaries who could type and GOOD ON YOU for not volunteering for the glass ceiling - even if it backfired. have you ever thought that the reasons guys gave in and learned to type was because the available secretarial pool was dumbing down as we all opted out?
You da standard bearer / path forger LOL :-))

AJ said...

Hey! I've DATED the weirdo girl no one wanted to be friends with... and that eventually bit me in the bum. Nice blog - I'm BRAND SPANKING NEW to the community (read: joined yesterday). You just wait on those Beanie Babies. They'll be worth millions some day! MILLIONS!!

Suburby said...

Hi Cheryl,

Hey, yeah! Can I borrow that to use that as my official excuse?


Gah, sorry to hear about your dating experience --those people eventually do leave you alone though. It has been my experience that after about 10 or 15 years you will stop getting the late night phone calls.

Thanks for the comment, and welcome!

Jessica said...

When my husband types, I always tease him with the cheesey joke about working for the "Hunt and Peck" law firm. He tells me that I type like my hair is on fire.

I'm so sorry about the Beanie Baby thing. I once knew a guy who thought his girlfriend might be "the one" until he went to her place for dinner and found her collection.

Andrea Knapp said...

THAT is exactly why I didn't take typing..... The classes I was offered at school (for employment future) were typing and 'office practice'. Yeah, great, then I wonder why I was pigeonholed into being a secretary.....

Now, I'm an EMT and a police dispatcher too, so I have changed my direction....

Suburby said...

Hi Jessica,

That's funny about thinking her the one until he saw the Beanie Baby collection. I can totally undertsand what he was thinking there. (As I am typing this I am faced with a dilemma: do I emphasize the fact that I bought several as an investment (great investment idea; I am an idiot) or because I thought they were cute (I am such a dork!).


Okay, I am going with the investment!

Tee hee...thanks for the comment, Jessica.


Hey, very cool sounding new career! Congratulations on making the change. Thank you so much for the comment.

Ms Mac said...

I'm a specialist at making friends with people nobody else wants to make friends with. Which makes me wonder if I am also one of those people. Oooh, that's scary!

Kimberley said...

I thought the same fuckin' thing when I had all of the "My LIttle Ponies" ... Alas, 'twas a sad day when I learned they weren't. worth. shit.

That's why I am totally backing BooBah. SCORE!

Suburby said...

Hi MsMac,

Nope, you can't be. Not one of those weirdo people would ever wonder if there was anything wrong with them; and therin lies the real problem I think! Thanks for stopping by!


Umm, now you are telling me My Little Pony isn't worth anything!? Great! Now what am I going to collect?

Thanks for the comment!

Dawn said...

I suffered from "BBBD" also. (bad beanie baby decision. I can't even guess how much I spent to seel them all for $100:)

Suburby said...


I hear that, sister! Pity someone doesn't make shoe polish in tasty flavours. If I could get a mouthful of bubble gum or banana split, it might take the sting out of it.


I don't think of it as wasted money--I think of it as paying for the great, super, unbelievable fun I had attaching those tag protectors to the Ty tags. Good times!

Thanks for your comments, ladies!