Thursday, April 07, 2005

Man, the internet is really pissing me off today.

No, it's not just the internet, it's the Blogosphere. First, I hate that I had to type that word, because frankly I didn't think I could hate a word more than "'blog" but lo and behold, turns out I can, and that word is "blogosphere".

But anyway, here's what's bugging me right now. Links. You heard me! I have to read three goddam sentences of some description of something and then I have to click a link to go elsewhere! You gotta make me work for it, don't you, you bastard? It leaves me bitter and resentful.

Some people set their introductions up as "teasers". Like "OH, this is so interesting! You HAVE GOT TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT!!!" Dot, dot, dot hypertext!Frankly, the three exclamation points should probably tip me off, but I am an imperfect woman. Nine times out of 10 it's a picture of a cat wearing a hat or smoking a cigar or something else that I am not interested in seeing.

You know who I like? The people who post the pictures right up front on the main page, on the blog. And of course I am not interested in seeing them either, but at least I didn't have to do anything.

Picture posters, here's what I want to see:

1. Bigfoot
2. Johnny Depp


Kim said...

LOL,Listen up missy, Johnny Depp is mine, got it? Mine and MINE ALONE, there will be no sharing. You may look all you like, but I'm HAVING HIS LOVE BABY ONE DAY, I just know it.

Badaunt said...

You didn't like my octopus? It didn't make you giggle?

FunkyMama said...

oooh ... didn't me to P*** you off. sorry. :)

Suburby said...


I cannot really argue with a woman of such excellent taste. If you have the good sense to select Johnny Depp as the object of your affection, my hat is off to you. (Hopefully all the hat removing action will provide enough of a diversion so I can get back in there and claim my beloved Johnny Depp as my own.)

P.S. Wasn't he unbelievably beautiful in Don Juan de Marco?


Are you English, because "you didn't like my octopus" kinda sounds dirty!


gah, you didn't p me off at all! Q'd me off, sure, but p, never! Actually, I hope everyone knows that I am just kidding--I just have an odd sense of humour.

Thanks for the comments everyone.

FunkyMama said...

hey, i know you're joking. trust me. :)

Pigs said...

Heeee...good point. Hilarious.

erl said...

your blog is very cool.