Saturday, April 23, 2005

Everything that is wrong with the internet

Overwhelming Searches: Type nearly anything into Google and you will get a search result of over a million hits. Well newsflash, Al Gore, I am a stay at home mom. I do not have time to follow more than 500,000 of those links before I have to haul my ass of the computer to watch Oprah. Or shop for a zippered fleece vest and another pair of high waisted Calvins at Costco. Or call up my friend and ask what she thinks of Michael Douglas's face lift. The point is, I'm busy.

Blogrolls: After countless hours of surfing the internet you happen, as if some miracle, upon a blog that is not only well written, but hip, and funny! And oh how you laugh. Ah haha! You then notice that this clever, charming, witty one-in-a-million has some links. You think, well, this has got to be some good linking because this person knows funny! So you click on one of their "must reads" or "Super faves" or whatever it is they call them, and find that hmmm, it's not so funny. Not to worry you think, try another. Same problem. Then it hits you: cliques! The blogroll is a tool for internet-style nepotism, and yet another way Al Gore has devised to waste my time.

Snarky or Let-Me-Tell-You-How-It-Really-Is comments from people who are not really in a position to tell me anything except maybe How to be a better asshole: I have had a number of those and I just keep them there. Let your assholism ring I say. I don't know how other people handle them, but they annoy me when I see them on others blogs, too. Nasty commenter and/or pedantic commenter, you're bringing down the room.


Ms Mac said...

Uh-oh! Now I'm worried!

Paul said...

I'll admit to not knowing exactly how 'Blogrolling' works, but I only put links to blogs that I read and enjoy on my sidebar. I refuse to put links to 100s of people just so they'll link back to me and my Google pagerank will go up. If I don't like what you write, I won't link to you. That might explain why nobody reads my blog... oh well.

Suburby said...


Why are you worried? Does this mean a ms.mac blog confession is forthcoming?

Suburby said...

I'll go check out your blog right now. Thanks for the comment.

Paul said...

Well, I just read some more, and your bitter cynical sense of humour is just my style.

You know who I like? The people who post the pictures right up front on the main page, on the blog. And of course I am not interested in seeing them either, but at least I didn't have to do anything.

Damn straight!

Anonymous said...

Everyone on my links list has something to offer they would not be there otherwise.

Kim said...

LOL! Yes! That has to be it! I've been wondering the very same thing, and you've figured it out! :)

Oh yeah! I also want to let you know I surfed through via Blog Explosion!

Have a great day!


Kim said...

I don't mind an asshole comment, unless it's anonymous. I think everyone should embrace their opinions. As for the whole link thing, people should be more like me and simply not know how to use blogrolling...

Ms Mac said...

I'm worried bcause you posted about pedantic commenters only a little while after I made a pedantic coment about grammar on your previous post about lay down.

Am I too neurotic?

For the record, my usual commenting theory is if I can't get into the fun of a post or if I just don't like what they say I just don't bother. I'm a neurotic coward, see!

Suburby said...

Hey Paul,

Thank you! I am always so happy when someone gets my jokes.


Haha thank you--I am here to serve.

You have a great day, too!

The Other Kim,

I agree about the anonymous posts--they suck hard. But, you're definitely nicer than I am re: the the other kind. At the risk of boring you to death I'll say this: when I was in university I developed a real distaste for people who would stick their hands up in the middle of a lecture to say something like "I just have a comment at this point" and then proceed to torture us all with their mostly irrelevant view of "how things really are". I felt like I was there to learn from the prof's expertise, not some dude I could chat with anytime in the cafeteria. I guess my annoyance with those comments is left over from that.

Thanks for your comment. I hope you are still breathing!


God no, your comment was relevant and only contributed to the discussion. It was most welcome, as are all of your comments!

I was honestly thinking about situations where someone has posted a piece of fiction or some photos and then some commenter proceeds to provide an in depth (usually inaccurate) critique of everything that's wrong with the work. That's what I think brings down the room.

And I don't think your "commenting policy" is cowardly at all; rather I think it's good manners.

Hi Talking Tina,

Thank you very much!

Thanks for the comments everyone.

Tricorum Satisdee said...

I can TOTALLY explain my own personal blogrolling failures...
Maintenance. I add it to my 'roll, and just never get around to taking it off. I have blogs that have gone the way of the dodo just sitting there, screaming to have their souls released. And some of the blogs that aren't funny? They were on that ONE particular day when I added them. My hopes are just positive that one day they will be high-larious again. You know, the power of positive blogging!

zydeco fish said...

Sometimes the "must reads" or "Super faves" are simply friends.